Fredrikson & Byron acted as legal counsel to Central Farm Service (CFS) in helping CFS secure an exclusive agreement with Greenfield Global to supply corn for Greenfield’s newly acquired ethanol plant in Winnebago, MN. Fredrikson also assisted CFS with an offtake agreement for dried distillers grain products (a co-product of ethanol production, which is an excellent source of energy and a highly nutritious animal feed) produced by Greenfield at the ethanol plant.
CFS has 17 grain locations in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Greenfield is a leading producer of renewable energy solutions and a global leader in the production of high-purity specialty alcohols and solvents. The Winnebago plant will be ready to start the production of renewable ethanol this fall.
Fredrikson’s legal team was led by Michael Jacobs and Sarah Tucher.
Read the news release.