Fredrikson & Byron acted as legal counsel to Omnis International Co., d/b/a Omnis Pharma, in its merger with Magnis Therapeutics, LLC. Both companies were founded by researchers from Mayo Clinic and the combined company has been renamed Vyriad, Inc. Vyriad is a clinical-stage biopharma company focused on the development of oncolytic immunovirotherapies for the treatment of cancers and other diseases. Vyriad’s pipeline of oncolytic virotherapies consists of eight in clinical phases and seven in late-stage preclinical development. The eight clinical products include Phase II candidates in ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma, as well as Phase I programs in glioblastoma, mesothelioma, head and neck cancer, blood cancers, endometrial cancer, hematologic malignancies and gastrointestinal cancer. The seven preclinical programs would pair oncolytic vaccines with other cancer immunotherapy approaches, such as checkpoint inhibitors, and chemotherapy and other forms of cancer therapy.
Fredrikson’s legal team included Christopher J. Melsha and Ann M. Ladd.
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