Attorney Anthony S. Mendoza has rejoined Fredrikson as an officer in its Technology & Data, Data Privacy & Security, Government Relations, Commercial Law, Trademark & Copyrights, Sports & Entertainment, Family & Closely Held Businesses, Start Up & Rapid Growth Enterprises (SURGE) and Nonprofit & Tax Exempt Organizations groups.
Mendoza has nearly 30 years of experience representing clients in the internet, communications, arts and entertainment industries. He helps for profit and non-profit clients with transactional, regulatory, policy, intellectual property and litigation matters. He serves as outside general counsel to many of his clients within and outside the communications, arts and entertainment industries.
Mendoza began practicing communications law just before the internet became a “thing.” He regulated the telecommunications industry for four years just after the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. From rural broadband deployment to data privacy to net neutrality to 911 and 811, there are few issues he has not handled for his internet and communications clients. Mendoza is a former professional musician who still performs and records, and he applies what he has learned to help his arts and entertainment law clients.
Fredrikson & Byron is a leading Midwest law firm working collaboratively to help businesses achieve their goals regionally, nationally and globally. With a reputation as the firm “where law and business meet,” our attorneys bring business acumen and entrepreneurial thinking to work with clients and operate as business advisors and strategic partners as well as legal counselors. The firm’s 375+ attorneys are based in Minneapolis, with offices in Ames, Bismarck, Des Moines, Fargo, Madison, Mankato, St. Paul, Saltillo, Mexico, and Shanghai, China. Learn more at or LinkedIn.